
Photo of Ana Ulin

Ana Ulin

Ana has extensive hands-on coding and management experience in companies of all sizes and shapes — from Big Tech to seed-stage startups, through non-profits and medium-sized enterprises. She can take a software product from conception to launch, both as a principal engineer and as a leader of a team.

Her approach to software engineering is people-centric, pragmatic, and sustainable. She delights in supporting others to improve their skills and confidence.

Photo of Zee Spencer

Zee Spencer

Zee brings over a decade of experience working as a technical leader and executor for organizations ranging from Fortune 50 megacorps to two person startups. He balances his programming chops with an uncanny ability to focus a team on delivering the next most valuable thing. Zee is a passionate teacher, dedicated to leveling up individuals and creating supportive, productive environments.

Photo of Damien Burke

Damien Burke

Damien started working on Internet startups in 1999 and never stopped. He has been an engineer, founder, consultant, CTO, product manager, and speaker. Damien is dedicated to team, software, and business sustainability and brings that to every project he is a part of.


Photo of Jennifer Tu

Jennifer Tu

After a number of years in tech, Jennifer has moved on to new ways to change the world. While at Cohere, she helped teams learn to work together more effectively through leadership coaching, team-based technical coaching, and hiring workshops. In her new line of work, she finds she still asks many of the same questions she did before: how do I explain a technical problem to a non-technical audience? can I break this problem into smaller pieces? how much time will this project take?

Photo of Betsy Haibel

Betsy Haibel

For fifteen years, Betsy focused her career on empowering engineers and software teams to think deeply about their business domain and better align their code with stakeholders' domain understanding. Today, you'll find her using Benchling more often than VS Code. As a re-entry undergraduate researcher at UC-Berkeley, she spends her days asking important questions in synthetic biology, like "how will this metal dock on this enzyme?" and "why did that PCR fail?"